
Full of magic and treachery, Mistwood is a forest of darkness...and of light. Many things are possible here. Spells are woven, stories spun and lies whispered. Secrets are traded and help given…for a price. Everything has a price.
And in Mistwood our characters appear. Here, they fall in love and face death, form friendships and slay enemies, undergo trials and acquire cultivation, fight enchantments and seek magical objects. Living, breathing, moving, they come and go.
Girls are often warned to not go into the woods. To be afraid of the big bad wolf. To shrink, hide, be less than, be afraid. But we want our characters to go into the woods, poke the wolf, fight the wolf, befriend the wolf, be the wolf, and have adventures of their own.
Come then, weary travelers, join us by the fireside in the middle of the forest where owls hoot and tanuki scurry through the undergrowth, and rest awhile. Bring a tale or bring a song and, with us, make merry cheer.